let me set the scene dear reader.....
I was relaxing with a cup of tea watching a The Imaginerium of Doctor Panassus, when Pan my older boarder collie began to stare at the curains, his is not an oddity as he barks at mos things. However he then pushed his way behind them...this is when my suspicions where raised.
So I paused the film (much to my annoyance, as I was quite engulfed in it) and made my way over, and sure enough I heard the noise that was bothering Pan.
It was a rather strange sniffing-snuffling sound...and it was quite lound.
I then joinde pan by also pearing behing the curains and searching for the source of the noise. Despite my best effors I couldn't find it.
My first reactions where "Oh, its a bat thats got in through the open window and is now stuck"....but the noise was a little loud for a bat and I would have disturbed it when I was moving the curtains. So after running upstairs and hanging out of the window over source of the nosie, hoping I could find the culpret that way....but still nothing!
So I donned a pair of shoes and equiped myself wih the tourch on my phone and bravley ventured into the night....
concluding that I would find an angry and possibly wounded cat, I peared round the corner and I found the source of the mystery noise.....
not one but two Hedghogs!
I don't see many hedghogs around here...or at least live ones, so the thought never crossed my mind that thats what was making the noise.
I manged to ge a couple of shots without them rolling up (which is a bonus) before leaving them to get back to their snufflie little lives.
all in all was a pleasant day spent a a medivel country show, the final of Doctor Who and of coures the hedghogs...