Saturday, 15 May 2010

socks putting socks on horses is no easy feat.

maybe I should explane. Bailey (our youngets and newest attition to the menagerie) had a small abses on his front hoof, so to keep it clean we use our own tried and tested method of lint, sock, plasic bag and tape...we have a proper boot...but it dosn't fit is big feet.
Problem is socks arn't really made for hooves, and ramming a sock on the foot of a rather large, albeit very tolerant youngster is a task of biblical proportions...
but after much toil and strife, I did it!

mind you the next day the socks no where to be whats the bloody point!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

D.J.'s of the sea

a badly drawn humback for your viewing pleasure

Saturday, 8 May 2010

the fat just walks away....

I recenly lost weight. I don't know how, it just walked away.....and waved on is way out.

made as a birthday gift for a good friend who is a massive Doctor Who fan, expressed a desire for an adipose last time we watched "Partners in Crime" ...because they are just do damned cute!
So a Happy Birthay to Amy...enjoy your globule of fat!
(Doctor who and the Adipose belong to the BBC)

Monday, 3 May 2010

have a tiger..

ladies and gentlemen I give you Panthera Tigris